

Detachments are large groups of enemies treated as a single entity. They are more difficult to hit and deal damage to multiple opponents at the same time. Crucially, they remain a single unit until they take critical damage, after which they are broken up or defeated entirely. Occasionally, a large creature (such as a dragon or giant) will be treated as a detachment as well.


The party is setting up camp deep in the forest, adjacent to a modest waterfall. It is nearly nightfall, and everyone is on high alert. Unbeknownst to the party, a colony of Traitor-Rats [3 HP, 5 STR, 15 DEX, 4 WIL, bite (d6), detachment] makes its home here.

Strażnik: “Just as the sun finally dips behind the trees, you each hear an unusual noise, not unlike the tsk-tsk-tsk of an overbearing uncle. As you listen, it begins to grow both in volume and tempo, then quickly becomes somewhat uncomfortable to listen to. As you survey the perimeter of the campsite, you see dozens of small, rat-like creatures with enormous eyes watching your party. They appear to be the source of the strange sound, and they are moving closer! By the way, we’re going to treat these creatures as a detachment until further notice.”

Freya: “Will we need to make DEX saves in order to attack before these things? Assuming they intend to do us harm, that is.”

Strażnik: “No, you have enough time to make the first move.”

Freya: “OK. I’m going to see how many of these things I can take out at once.”

Wolfram: “I’m going to find their queen and shoot her. Assuming there even is a queen!”

Lucius: “I hate to do this, but I am going to sacrifice 1 use of my bandages to use as stuffing for my ears. Just in case.

Strażnik: “Let’s start with Lucius, who sacrifices 1 use of bandages and stuffs them in his ears. The sound all but disappears. That ends his turn. Freya, go ahead and roll your attack dice.”

Freya rolls two d4 dice, resulting in a 2 and a 2.

Strażnik: “Freya, you run into the mess of creatures, stabbing two of them with the Twins. They perish easily, but two more quickly fill their place. Even at the edge of the swarm, the sound they make is intense. You start to feel confused.”

Strażnik: “Wolfram, you move into the colony, passing through the swarm as you search for any sign of a queen. You spend your entire turn searching and are unable to take another action. However, in the fading light, you see a taller creature in the distance, a white stripe on its stomach.”

Wolfram: “Bingo. That’s the one. A careful shot, that’s all I need.”

Strażnik: “Standing amongst all the creatures, the sound becomes unbearable for both Freya and Wolfram. Please make a WIL save, each of you.”

Freya: “Uh oh. I rolled a 15, a fail.”

Wolfram: “I roll an 11, a success!”

Strażnik: “Freya collapses on the ground, the noise in her ears has grown so loud it has become an explosion of agony. Wolfram, you grit your teeth and carry on. Lucius is unaffected.”

Freya: “Eek. Do I lose my next turn?”

Strażnik: “That’s right, but you can try to succeed at a WIL save to snap out of it. A few of the creatures nearby begin to nibble at your clothes as you writhe around. Finally, they attack both you and Wolfram!”

As a detachment, the Traitor-Rats have both the blast property and deal enhanced damage. The Strażnik rolls a d12 twice, dealing 1 damage to Freya and 6 to Wolfram.

Strażnik: “Freya, you do not have HP as you are prone. However, your leather armor has protected you from taking any damage from the rats nipping at your back. Wolfram, you take 6 damage, but your HP and armor absorb the bulk of it. Next time you might not be so lucky.”

Wolfram: “That’s OK, because there won’t be a next time! I take aim at the taller creature and fire. I realize I have to roll a d4, but that’s the best we’ve got!”

Freya: “All I can do is make a WIL save… and it’s a success! Phew.”

Lucius: “I rush towards Freya and try to drag her out of that mess.”

Wolfram rolls a 2, which is enough to deal damage to STR. The detachment must now make a Critical Damage save using its STR Attribute. The Strażnik rolls a 7, a fail.

Strażnik: “The crossbow bolt zings through the air, striking the white-furred creature in the heart. It screeches and keels over, and immediately the terrible noise stops, as the creatures begin to run off! Lucius, you pull Freya out of the danger zone just as she is coming around.”

Wolfram: “Thank goodness that’s done with. I’m going to go grab whatever I just shot, though. Might make for a good dinner.”

The party rests for the night, and dines well.