Kategorie potworów
k20 | Grupa | Potwory |
1 | Latające | Feniks, Roc, Wiwerna |
2 | Zwierzę | Krwawy łoś, Niedźwiedź Grizzly, Zabójcze pszczoły, Nocny kot, Żmija, Wilk |
3 | Behemot | Zielony smok, Purpurowy robak |
4 | Konstrukt | Kościany konstrukt, Kamienne ogary, Gargulec |
5 | Demon | Piekielny ogar, Koszmar |
6 | Ekstraplanarny | Oko terroru, Niszczyciel umysłu |
7 | Fey | Bogin, Driada, Mroźny Elf, Chochlik, Czerwona czapka, Nocna wiedźma, Morska wiedźma, Błędne ogniki |
8 | Gigant | Ettin, Podniebny gigant, Sztormowy gigant, Tytan |
9 | Goblinoid | Postrach, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Ogr, Goblin z Korzeni, Troll, Troll leśny |
10 | Humanoid | Akolita, Bandyta, Mroźny Elf, Gnoll, Zakapturzeni, Tryton |
11 | Hybryda | Centaur, Mantykora, Minotaur, Sowodźwiedź |
12 | Bezcielesny | Niewidzialny prześladowca, Cień |
13 | Insektoid | Aranea, Groza w norze, Szarańcza jaskiniowa, Gigantyczny skorpion |
14 | Jaszczurka | Bazyliszek, Hydra, Kobold, Naga, Reptilianin |
15 | Magiczny | Migopies, Pantera Osnowy, Żywiołak wody |
16 | Mityczny | Banshee, Gryf, Harpia, Hydra, Lamia, Jednorożec |
17 | Roślina | Pełzająca winorośl, Wiedźma z Korzeni, Gnilec, Drzewiec |
18 | Zmiennokształtny | Świnioczłek, Wilkołak |
19 | Nieumarły | Strażnik krypty, Duch, Ghul, Licz, Mumia, Szkielet, Wampir, Zmora, Zombi |
20 | Niezwykły | Galaretowata maź, Mimik, Rdzawy potwór, Wojowniczy ślimak |
4 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 8 SIŁ, 11 ZRE, 14 WOL, ceremonialny sztylet (k6)
- Święci słudzy związani z konkretnym bóstwem. Zazwyczaj podróżują w grupach po cztery lub więcej osób.
- Noszą święty symbol (Krąg ochronny raz dziennie).
6 OCHR, 13 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 15 WOL, ugryzienie (k8)
- Ogromne pająki o zielono-czarnej skórze i dużych mózgach. Potrafią przybrać ludzką postać w dowolnym momencie.
- Prowadzą magiczne badania w ciemnych, wypełnionych siecią jaskiniach. Zawsze mają przy sobie księgi zaklęć Urok i Rozkaz.
- Obrażenia od ognia zadawane Aranei są wzmocnione.
4 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 12 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 9 WOL, krótki miecz (k6) or krótki łuk (k6)
- Banici, którzy napadają na osady, atakują statki lub zastawiają zasadzki na podróżnych. Grupy składające się z czterech lub więcej osób stanowią oddział.
- Oddział zawsze podróżuje z jednym dowódcą ubranym w kolczugę lub podobną zbroję (2 pancerza) i długi miecz (k10) lub kuszę (k8).
- Lojalny: Podczas testowania Morale, użyj WOL lidera (13). Jeśli przywódca zginie, pozostali uciekną.
8 OCHR, 6 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 15 WOL, ghostly dotyk (k8)
- Bezcielesne duchy, które długo po śmierci nawiedzają żywych.
- Odporne na zimno, ciepło i żywioły. Obrażenia od żelaznej broni są wzmocnione.
- Płacz: Każdy w zasięgu słuchu musi wykonać rzut obronny WOL lub stracić przytomność.
10 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 12 SIŁ, 13 ZRE, 13 WOL, ugryzienie (k10)
- Długie, wężowate jaszczurki, które gnieżdżą się głęboko pod ziemią lub w krzakach tuż pod stopami.
- Walka z Bazyliszkiem tak, aby nie napotkać jego spojrzenia jest trudna. (Ataki skierowane w jego stronę są osłabione).
- Spojrzenie: Cel stojący naprzeciwko Bazyliszka zamienia się powoli w kamień od dołu do góry i zostaje całkowicie spetryfikowany po trzech rundach. Z żołądków bazyliszka można uwarzyć antidotum, które odwróci efekty spojrzenia. Odbicie stworzenia jest nieszkodliwe.
5 OCHR, 11 SIŁ, 14 ZRE, 5 WOL, ugryzienie (k6)
- Teleportujące się psy w służbie potężnego mistrza.
- Może w dowolnej chwili zniknąć z danej fazy rzeczywistości. Ataki wręcz przeciwko nim są osłabione.
Krwawy łoś
4 OCHR, 12 SIŁ, 13 ZRE, 5 WOL, rogi (k8)
- Zrodzony z przemocy wynikającej z chciwego lub samolubnego działania.
- Zabijają swoje ofiary dla pożywienia, ale nigdy nie są w stanie zaspokoić głodu.
- Obrażenia krytyczne: Pożera swoje ofiary, wyrywając im wnętrzności.
3 OCHR, 4 SIŁ, 17 ZRE, 13 WOL
- Dzicy, włochaci oszuści, którzy cenią błyszczące drobiazgi bardziej niż monety.
- Boginy mają prawdziwe imiona, które opisują ich prawdziwą naturę. Znajomość tych imion daje człowiekowi kontrolę nad nimi.
- Magia: Bogin może ożywiać przedmioty, siać zamęt, tworzyć magiczne przebrania, używać telekinezy i teleportacji.
Kościany konstrukt
8 OCHR, 3 pancerza, 15 SIŁ, 5 ZRE, 3 WOL, sharpened arms (k8+k8), oddział
- Gigantyczne, czterorękie konstrukty wykonane z kości i magii.
- Bezmyślni strażnicy, gotowi zaatakować każdą istotę inną niż ich stwórca.
8 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 14 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 11 WOL, pałka (k8)
- Large, goblin-like creatures covered in fur.
- Prefer stealth and trickery to gain an advantage.
- Often command parties of like creatures (typically goblins).
Groza w norze
6 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 16 SIŁ, 11 ZRE, 4 WOL, ugryzienie (k10), acid squirt (k8, podmuch)
- Huge insectoids with multiple legs and shiny black eyes. Subsist from dirt, roots, and flesh.
- Burrow just beneath surfaces to ambush unsuspecting creatures.
- Critical Damage: Target loses a body part. Roll 1k6. 1: Head, 2-4: Leg, 5-6: Arm.
Szarańcza jaskiniowa
2 OCHR, 6 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 3 WOL, ugryzienie (k6)
- Giant plant-eating crickets that dwell in caves. Immune to most types of poison.
- Their natural coloration allows them to blend in with the stone. They emit loud shrieks when threatened.
6 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 14 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 14 WOL, włócznia (k8) or krótki łuk (k6)
- Creatures with the lower body and legs of a horse, but a humanoid upper body.
- Rarely found alone, preferring the company of their own.
Kamienne ogary
12 OCHR, 2 pancerza, 14 SIŁ, 1 ZRE, 8 WOL, ugryzienie (k10)
- Immobile constructs typically used as guardians to great tombs or artifacts.
- Unaffected by mundane persuasion techniques, but love a good bone.
Pełzająca winorośl
8 OCHR, 10 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 2 WOL, vines (k4, podmuch)
- Appear as an inert, typical vine. Attacks passing creatures to use their corpses as fertilizer.
- Critical Damage: Target is pulled into the air where they asphyxiate within a few minutes.
Strażnik krypty
12 OCHR, 12 SIŁ, 11 ZRE, 14 WOL, ethereal pazury (k8+k8)
- Animated skeletons clothed in billowing robes. Their eye sockets are hypnotically red. Defend crypts and tombs, but will not attack if left undisturbed.
- Non-magical attacks against them are impaired.
- Can teleport any target in eyesight to a random room nearby.
4 OCHR, 8 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 14 WOL, knotted arms (k6)
- Shy, protective tree spirits that manifest as beautiful, green-skinned humanoids.
- Unable to travel far from the tree they are bound to. They perish if the tree is destroyed.
- Befuddle: Target becomes confused, gradually moving further and further away from the host tree. WOL save once per round to break free.
10 OCHR, 16 SIŁ, 8 ZRE, 6 WOL, pałka (k10)
- The two-headed kin of giants. Prefer caves and underground hovels.
- Cannot be surprised.
Oko terroru
15 OCHR, 9 SIŁ, 8 ZRE, 16 WOL, ugryzienie (k8)
- Floating spheres with large mouths, enormous eyes, and several small eyes set atop long stalks.
- They are highly intelligent, intensely greedy, and completely insane.
- Can cast the following spells at will: Charm, Phobia, Telekinesis, Sleep, Shuffle, Vision. Magic used against them requires a WOL save or it fizzles out.
Mroźny Elf
14 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 8 SIŁ, 13 ZRE, 14 WOL, icicle sztylet (k6)
- Beautiful, amoral, and long-lived.
- Resistant to most forms of magic.
- Can cast the following spells at will: Sleep, Teleport, Detect Magic.
8 OCHR, 3 pancerza, 14 SIŁ, 4 ZRE, 12 WOL, pazury (k8+k8)
- Magical, slow-moving statues of monstrous winged creatures, typically employed as guards or watchdogs.
- Prowl at nights but fear the day, when the sun’s light freezes them in place.
- Immune to charms and magical sleep.
Galaretowata maź
8 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 15 SIŁ, 6 ZRE, 3 WOL, devouring dotyk (k8)
- Large shapeless masses of transparent jelly. Mindlessly hunt for food in dungeons and underground caverns.
- Critical Damage: The target is engulfed, losing k6 SIŁ damage per round until they are consumed.
8 OCHR, 14 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 15 WOL, life drain (k6)
- Incorporeal spirits of the restless dead, vulnerable only to magic and specific anointed rites.
- Critical Damage: Target must save WOL or is possessed, acting only on behalf of the ghost’s whims.
6 OCHR, 14 SIŁ, 8 ZRE, 3 WOL, elongated pazury (k6+k6)
- Grey-skinned man-things wearing shredded clothes that crave only the flesh of the living.
- Critical Damage: Target is deprived from their necrotic wound, dying in k4 days unless treated by a priest or skilled healer. If the body is not burned it later rises as a Ghoul as well.
Gigantyczny skorpion
8 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 11 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 4 WOL, pazury (k10+k10)
- Horse-sized arachnids commonly found in dry terrain or caverns.
- Critical Damage: The stinger’s poison liquefies the target’s insides for an additional k8 SIŁ damage. The SIŁ loss is permanent.
6 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 12 SIŁ, 14 ZRE, 8 WOL, włócznia (k8)
- Ferocious humanoid hyenas spawned from arcane experiments long ago.
- Deadly warriors, they attack as a pack (as oddział) or on their own.
4 OCHR, 8 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 8 WOL, sztylet (k6) or proca (k6)
- Small, grotesque humanoids with skin in earthly tones of green, brown, and grey.
- Avoid combat, only attacking when advantageous, using hit-and-run tactics.
- Sometimes are found using dire wolves as mounts.
Zielony smok
12 OCHR, 2 pancerza, 14 SIŁ, 15 ZRE, 18 WOL, ugryzienie (k12), oddział
- Forest-dwelling snakes topped with tall green scales. Collect great hoards of treasure.
- Use intelligence and cunning to manipulate the weak into their service.
- Chlorine Gas: Anyone nearby must make a ZRE save to escape its reach or lose 1k4 SIŁ and becomes deprived.
7 OCHR, 14 SIŁ, 15 ZRE, 12 WOL, pazury (k6+k6), oddział
- Ravenous hybrids, with the head and wings of an eagle and the lower body of a lion.
- Can be used as mounts if taken young and properly trained.
- Fly and attack at astonishing speeds, diving in to scoop up their prey.
- Critical Damage: Tears flesh and bone from its victim with its razor-sharp dziób.
Niedźwiedź Grizzly
6 OCHR, 15 SIŁ, 13 ZRE, 5 WOL, pazury (k8+k8)
- Reddish-brown bears commonly found in mountains, woodlands, and prairies.
- Prefer to eat fish and meat, and will attack the rare unfortunate who crosses their path.
- Critical Damage: Bites the victim for an additional k6 SIŁ damage. They bleed out very quickly.
8 OCHR, 7 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 14 WOL, pazury (k6+k6)
- Hideous monstrosities with the body of a giant eagle and a humanoid head.
- Their movements and flight are clumsy due to their disproportionate size. Rely on charmed victims to do anything of note.
- Song: Anyone nearby must save WOL or be charmed by its voice, following the harpy and defending it from any threat.
Piekielny ogar
8 OCHR, 12 SIŁ, 15 ZRE, 9 WOL, ugryzienie (k8), fire breath (k6, podmuch)
- Monstrous, intelligent dogs that dwell near volcanoes.
- Immune to fire and heat damage. Hot enough to melt iron simply by biting it.
6 OCHR, 2 pancerza, 14 SIŁ, 8 ZRE, 11 WOL, maczuga (k8)
- Large and burly relatives of goblins. Dwell in underground fortresses until called for war.
- Automatically succeed in Morale Saves if a commander is present.
- Trained to fight together. Damage dealt is enhanced if an ally is also engaged with the same enemy.
12 OCHR, 9 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 14 WOL, leystaff (k8)
- The Watchers of the Wood; a cult that derive their power from leylines, rune stones, and the like.
- Critical Damage: Leech a part of the victim’s soul (1k4 WOL damage).
- Carries two of the following spellbooks: Charm, Hypnotize, Push/Pull, Shield.
12 OCHR, 2 pancerza, 13 SIŁ, 7 ZRE, 12 WOL, ugryzienie (k12, podmuch), oddział
- Large reptilians with nine serpentine heads. Very difficult to throw off once their quarry is detected.
- On taking Critical Damage, the hydra loses one head. It then continues fighting until no heads remains.
Niewidzialny prześladowca
8 OCHR, 12 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 15 WOL, fists (k4+k4)
- Intelligent beings shaped into reality by a powerful wizard. Completely invisible and silent.
- Attacks deal direct SIŁ damage (subtracting pancerza).
Zabójcze pszczoły
6 OCHR, 6 SIŁ, 14 ZRE, 8 WOL, sting (k6), oddział
- Oversized bees that build underground hives. Hyper-aggressive, attack anything that comes near.
- Produce special honey that heals 1k6 SIŁ. 3 uses.
- When the bees cause SIŁ damage, the stingers are lodged into the target, dealing k4 damage each round until removed.
3 OCHR, 8 SIŁ, 13 ZRE, 4 WOL, ugryzienie (k6), włócznia (k8)
- Hairless humanoids with canine-like features and scaly skin. Can see perfectly in the dark, but are harmed by direct sunlight.
- Use traps and ambush to defeat opponents. Often act in service of a more powerful creatures.
6 OCHR, 11 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 16 WOL, toothy ugryzienie (k8)
- Centaur-like creatures that prey on the life force of others, seducing their victims through heightened charm and intelligence. Their upper bodies are typically humanoid, the lower half any number of animal hybrids.
- Inherently magical. Can create illusions, charm creatures, and disguise themselves at will.
- Critical Damage: The target takes k6 WOL damage as their spirit is slowly sapped away. They then become enthralled to the Lamia, obeying its every command while in its presence.
14 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 8 SIŁ, 8 ZRE, 18 WOL, soul sztylet (k8)
- Powerful sorcerers that paid the ultimate price for immortality: their own life. Now their thirst for power knows no bounds.
- Maintain unlife by binding themselves to an earthly artifact, which is typically protected by at least k6 other undead servants.
- Carry up to six of the following spellbooks: Animate Object, Arcane Eye, Deafen, Disassemble, Żywiołak Wall, Frenzy, Gate, Hover, Hatred, Identify Owner, Knock, Pacify, Raise Dead, Raise Spirit, Shield, Sleep, Smoke Form, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Teleport, Vision, Wizard Mark.
6 OCHR, 15 SIŁ, 14 ZRE, 12 WOL, pazury (k6+k6), tail spike (k8)
- Spiteful monstrosities that wear a humanoid face, a lion’s body, wings of a bat, and a scorpion’s tail. Dwell in mountainous regions, abandoned castles, and forgotten dungeons.
- Tail spikes act like darts, regrowing after a few days. A single spike is worth 150gp to a collector.
- Critical Damage: Target is deprived until they get a good night’s sleep. Until then, they act boorish, selfish, and cruel (or more so, if that already is their nature).
9 OCHR, 2 pancerza, 13 SIŁ, 6 ZRE, 12 WOL, ugryzienie (k8)
- Malicious shape shifters that take on the form of inanimate objects commonly found in dungeons.
- Remain motionless while in disguise, surprising anyone that comes near.
- The mimic’s saliva is extremely sticky and difficult to remove. Alchemists will pay up to 150gp for even the smallest vial.
Niszczyciel umysłu
12 OCHR, 8 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 18 WOL, macki (k6, podmuch)
- Humanoid creatures with purple skin and squid-like heads. Dwell deep underground or in spacefaring vessels. Feed on the brains of other humanoids, absorbing their memories and life essence. Highly intelligent, but evil beyond belief.
- Mind Blast: Nearby targets must save WOL or lose 1k4 WOL and become paralyzed.
- Critical Damage: A tentacle rips the victim’s brain out of their skull.
12 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 16 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 8 WOL, two-handed topór (k10), charge (k12)
- Large humanoids (typically male) with the head of a bull. Dwell in mazes or dungeons.
- Extraordinary trackers with an excellent sense of smell and navigation skills.
6 OCHR, 12 SIŁ, 8 ZRE, 6 WOL, necrotic dotyk (k10)
- Undead humanoids wrapped in funerary cloth. Found in pyramids, ruins, temples, and tombs.
- Critical Damage: Target is infected with mummy rot, and is unable to recover SIŁ until they are cured by a specialist healer. The target is also deprived.
6 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 14 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 14 WOL, miecz (k6), ugryzienie (k10)
- Humanoids with the lower body, tail, and neck of snakes. Dwell in hot jungles and temples lost to time.
- Use cunning and hypnosis to capture other creatures to be enslaved.
- Gaze: A target facing the Naga is hypnotized, falling under its will. Its victims cannot be compelled to violence.
Nocny kot
6 OCHR, 9 SIŁ, 14 ZRE, 5 WOL, pazury (k6+k6)
- Intelligent, nocturnal marsupials that make their homes in forests and swamps. Hunt in packs.
- Critical Damage: The Night Cat begins to eat the target (k4 SIŁ damage) while they are still alive.
Nocna wiedźma
8 OCHR, 9 SIŁ, 11 ZRE, 16 WOL, szpony (k8+k8)
- Hideous old women that dwell in dead forests, swamps, and bogs.
- Carry three of the following spellbooks: Arcane Eye, Disguise, Fog Cloud, Identify Owner, Smoke Form.
8 OCHR, 15 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 8 WOL, flaming hooves (k8+k8)
- Intelligent, demonic horses with eyes like burning coals, smoldering nostrils, and flaming hooves.
- Melee attacks against the Nightmare are impaired due to the thick clouds of smoke it produces.
6 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 16 SIŁ, 8 ZRE, 6 WOL, pałka (k10)
- Massive, gluttonous brutes of ill-spirit and low intelligence.
- Easily impressed by shiny materials, keeping sacks of gold and treasure in their lairs.
9 OCHR, 16 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 5 WOL, dziób (k10), pazury (k8+k8)
- Bear-like carnivores with the face of an owl. Found in dense forests. Rumored spawn of a magical mishap.
- Critical Damage: A piece of armor is rent and destroyed.
4 OCHR, 15 SIŁ, 13 ZRE, 12 WOL, szpony (k10+k10)
- Intelligent, hawk-like spirits of pure flame, found in isolated deserts and high mountains.
- If killed, they explode in a burst of flames. They are reborn 1d3 days later from the ashes.
- Their feathers are highly-sought after for their healing properties.
3 OCHR, 3 SIŁ, 15 ZRE, 13 WOL
- Tiny humanoids with insectoid wings. Naturally invisible.
- Can cast Sleep and Masquerade at will.
Purpurowy robak
18 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 18 SIŁ, 8 ZRE, 6 WOL, ugryzienie (k12), oddział
- Gargantuan worms that lair in enormous burrows deep underground, only coming to the surface to eat. Found in high deserts and hot tundra.
- Critical Damage: The target is devoured, taking k8 SIŁ damage from the acid in the worm’s stomach.
Czerwona czapka
6 OCHR, 6 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 8 WOL, dual sickles (k6+k6)
- Born from blood left to rot in the land of Fairy. Their hats are a deep red from the blood they bathe in.
- Ignore those with little to live for, as there is no pleasure in their murder.
- Critical Damage: Target is eviscerated, the spray of their blood restoring SIŁ loss suffered by the Red Cap.
5 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 14 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 5 WOL, bone włócznia (k8)
- Amphibian humanoids that live in large tribes near swamps and jungles.
- Craft their armor and weapons from the bones of their prey. They will eat anything, including humanoids.
Goblin z Korzeni
4 OCHR, 8 SIŁ, 14 ZRE, 8 WOL, włócznia (k6)
- Avoid combat unless they have the advantage (such as greater numbers).
- Guard their stolen goods to the death.
- Root Goblins prize spellbooks and are always willing to trade.
Wiedźma z Korzeni
8 OCHR, 9 SIŁ, 16 ZRE, 14 WOL, tuber-fingers (k6)
- Excellent tunnelers that hide underground near water. Wiggle tiny fronds into the air as lures.
- Above-ground, appear vaguely humanoid with the face of a rotted tree stump.
- Will exchange rare minerals for a “fresh corpse” of any kind.
Rdzawy potwór
5 OCHR, 16 SIŁ, 13 ZRE, 5 WOL, ugryzienie (k6)
- Armadillo-like creatures with pałka-like tails and long antennae. Feed on iron and rusted metal.
- Any mundane metals their antennae dotyk instantly become rust. Can smell metal from a long distance away.
- Critical Damage: Metal armor rusts into useless weight.
Morska wiedźma
6 OCHR, 11 SIŁ, 15 ZRE, 14 WOL, long pazury (k6+k6)
- Ghostly, green-skinned hags that dwell in seaweed forests and warm shallow waters.
- Immune to magic from spellbooks.
- Hideous Gaze: A target is overcome with fear (OCHR drops to 0). WOL save each round to break the spell.
14 OCHR, 1 SIŁ, 18 ZRE, 14 WOL, draining dotyk (k6, ignores armor)
- Incorporeal monsters that look like animated shadows. Unharmed by mundane attacks, sleep or mind control.
- Critical Damage: Target loses k4 SIŁ. If reduced to 0 SIŁ, they become a shadow as well.
9 OCHR, 15 SIŁ, 6 ZRE, 8 WOL, tendrils (k8+k8), oddział
- Tall humanoids made of slimy vegetation. Dwell in dark swamps and damp undergrounds.
- Critical Damage: Target is swallowed whole and dragged away.
5 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 8 SIŁ, 13 ZRE, 0 WOL, rusty miecz (k6) or łuk (k6)
- Frequently found serving a master or necromancer, often in groups of 3 or more.
- Found wearing whatever was on them at the time of their death.
- If a skeleton is killed and its bones are not scattered, it reforms.
Podniebny gigant
12 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 16 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 14 WOL, maczuga (k10), oddział
- Towering, white-skinned giants that live in castles high in the mountains.
- Missile attacks against them are impaired due to the powerful winds surrounding them.
18 OCHR, 12 SIŁ, 13 ZRE, 18 WOL, pazury (k8+k8, podmuch), dziób (k10)
- Mythical beasts with the upper body and head of a human, the wings of an eagle, and the body of a lion. Immune to magic of any kind.
- Poses riddles to anyone they meet. Failure to answer correctly is usually met with death. They know almost everything worth knowing.
- Roar: Anyone in earshot must save WOL or flee in fear.
Sztormowy gigant
18 OCHR, 2 pancerza, 18 SIŁ, 16 ZRE, 18 WOL, great miecz (k12), oddział
- Building-sized humanoids with bronze-hued skin and light-colored hair. Live on the highest mountain peaks and rockiest coastlines.
- Unharmed by lightning, can summon storm clouds at their will. Can fly with the wind as a their chariot.
- Thunderclap: Deals 4 SIŁ damage against a single target. Targets wearing metal armor take double damage.
9 OCHR, 16 SIŁ, 8 ZRE, 13 WOL, gore (k6+k6)
- Obese humanoids that transform into massive porcine monstrosities to feast on human flesh.
- Prefer to hunt in isolated settlements close to forests and wetlands. Can only shapeshift at night.
- Charm: Target obeys the swine’s every command until it is killed. WOL save once per round to break free.
18 OCHR, 3 pancerza, 16 SIŁ, 15 ZRE, 18 WOL, lightning miecz (k12), oddział
- Mythical, humanoid giants of radiant beauty and powerfully athletic bodies. Beneficent of character, but prone to megalomania.
- Natives of other planes of existence, but sometimes have strongholds in the mortal world.
- Can levitate, shape shift, and sculpt elements at will.
10 OCHR, 3 pancerza, 15 SIŁ, 3 ZRE, 12 WOL, roots (k8+k8, podmuch)
- Sentient, bipedal trees with a vaguely humanoid face on their trunks. Found in the deepest part of the wood.
- Speak slowly and ponderously, with a deep voice. Timeless, living for thousands of years.
6 OCHR, 12 SIŁ, 15 ZRE, 12 WOL, trident (k8)
- Aquatic humanoids with silvery skin, blue-green hair, and scaled legs ending in fins. Dwell in warmer waters close to land.
- Lair in beautiful castles sculpted from sea rock and coral. Command vast schools of fish for both protection and food.
14 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 14 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 4 WOL, ugryzienie (k10), pazury (k8+k8)
- Giant, warty humanoids of flesh and bark. Dwell underground or in deep forests, as well as the ruined homes of their former victims. Carnivorous.
- When taking Critical Damage, a Troll will continue fighting, despite loss of flesh and limb. Only when their SIŁ is 0 are they truly killed. Unless their heads are bathed in acid, fire, or powerful magic, they will fully regenerate within 1k4 days.
6 OCHR, 14 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 14 WOL, horn (k10, ignores armor)
- Magical horses with a single long horn on their foreheads. Timid, but proud and willful, are seen as divine beings.
- Their hair is worth a small fortune due to its powerful healing properties.
12 OCHR, 1 pancerza, 14 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 16 WOL, ugryzienie (k10)
- Charming, undead creatures that drink the blood of mortals. Act at night and sleep in a coffin during the day. Can change into a bat at will.
- Regeneration: A damaged vampire regains 6 OCHR when it ugryzienies a target that has blood. If killed, it becomes a cloud of gas and retreats to its coffin, reforming at the next nightfall. Can only be killed if exposed to sunlight or if the coffin is destroyed.
- Critical Damage: The vampire drains the target’s essence, dealing k12 damage to WOL. If the target reaches 0 WOL this way, it dies and is raised as a thrall of the vampire.
3 OCHR, 5 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 3 WOL, ugryzienie (k6)
- Poisonous snakes often found in caves, pits, and other dark places. An antitoxin can be made from their poison sacs.
- Use heat and smell to track their victims.
- Critical Damage: Target is poisoned, dying in 1k12 hours without a cure.
Pantera Osnowy
8 OCHR, 13 SIŁ, 16 ZRE, 12 WOL, macki (k8+k8, podmuch), ugryzienie (k10)
- Grotesque panther-like predators with long razored macki growing out of their backs.
- Resistant to magical attacks. Caster must make a WOL save for the intended effect to succeed.
- Can teleport a krótki distance away at will. Hate Blink Dogs.
Wojowniczy ślimak
4 OCHR, 2 pancerza, 14 SIŁ, 6 ZRE, 3 WOL, macki (k8+k8)
- Giant armored snails with heavy, pałka-like macki.
- Some species have colorful shells that can reflect magical attacks.
Żywiołak Wody
14 OCHR, 15 SIŁ, 16 ZRE, 4 WOL, spray (k8)
- Rare spirits of lakes, rivers, and seas.
- Mundane attacks against the Water Żywiołak are impaired.
- Critical Damage: Target is enveloped by the water and drowns in three rounds.
8 OCHR, 15 SIŁ, 14 ZRE, 6 WOL, pazury (k6+k6), ugryzienie (k8)
- Ferocious lycanthropes that can transform into a wolf-shape at will.
- Mundane attacks are impaired against werewolves, but attacks with weapons made of silver are enhanced.
- Critical Damage: Target becomes infected with lycanthropy, transforming into a werewolf by the next full moon.
12 OCHR, 3 pancerza, 16 SIŁ, 8 ZRE, 12 WOL, long miecz (k10)
- Grotesque, fallen warriors, raised from death for ill purpose. Often astride equally nightmarish steeds, leading lesser undead creatures into battle.
- Critical Damage: On a fail, any SIŁ loss is permanent.
Błędne ogniki
3 OCHR, 6 SIŁ, 17 ZRE, 12 WOL
- Nocturnal spirits of cool flame, commonly found in dense woodlands, marshes, and swamps.
- Known to lead travelers astray, to a corpse, or back home again.
6 OCHR, 12 SIŁ, 14 ZRE, 8 WOL, ugryzienie (k8)
- Large canines that dwell primarily in forest or tundra.
- Can be trained with effort if captured at a young age.
Troll drzewny
10 OCHR, 15 SIŁ, 12 ZRE, 7 WOL, ugryzienie (k8), pałka (k10)
- Large humanoids with elongated arms made of bark or root. They live in forests, sharing a deep connection with the vegetation around them.
- If killed, they will slowly regenerate unless their corpse is taken out of the forest or burned with fire.
- Critical Damage: Moss and twigs begin growing out of target’s wounds.
11 OCHR, 15 SIŁ, 14 ZRE, 13 WOL, stinger (k10)
- Large, intelligent, winged reptiles. Dwell in any terrain, but favor dry cliffs.
- Shy away from other creatures, preferring to silently stalk their targets from afar.
- Critical Damage: The victim is impaled and held in place. The wyvern then ugryzienies their head off.
2 OCHR, 12 SIŁ, 6 ZRE, 3 WOL, jagged nails (k6)
- Re-animated corpse brought back through necromantic ritual or fell influence. Immune to all mind-influencing effects.
- If not utterly destroyed (by fire, complete dismemberment, etc.), the Zombie will rise again within a few minutes.
- Critical Damage: Target is infected and becomes deprived. Without the services of a specialist or healer, they will become a zombie in 1k4 days.